Week 3 - 15th to 19th Feb

SP2 - PC2 Crossover 

Ceiling rose - Kintsugi 

This week I focussed a lot on PC2, and doing site meant there was a lot of crossover into my SP2 module which while I tried to limit, was inevitable. 
This week I crossed over the SP1 ceiling rose I made in 2019 with the idea of Kintsugi. By breaking up the ceiling rose (picture below) I deemed the piece broken, worthless and useless. However, I decided to glue the piece back together using PVA glue and gold paint, which mimics kintsugi - a method of repairing ceramics with gold which is supposed to represent embracing flaws and imperfections. 
This idea of embracing imperfections is very relevant in my project as I want to highlight the nitty gritty side of life, and embrace natural parts of life as much as possible. (hence the PC2 SP2 crossover. 

With this idea, I had help from my studio pals. They helped me lift up the piece, drop it then stitch it all back together with the most accuracy we could get. The repaired piece was missing large chunks, which worked in my favour as I wanted to mimic the broken, ages side of this piece. 

After this, I got some gold paint, went through the piece and painted gold into every single line, crack, blemish and gap. 
