Week 11 - Lino! - 26th to 30th April

Lino Printing 

In week 11 i decided to carve and print some linos as the final bits of work for this project. I used the Cerberus Mutant design (3 skulls combined). I also carved a flower earlier in the year but was unable to print it, so I also printed this. The process of lino is very enjoyable but if I were to do this design again i'd change it slightly, either by getting rid of the triangles or mixing a much lighter grey for the second plate as the Cerberus Mutant was a two plate print.

The design is something I'm proud of, I really pushed my lino and printing skills while carving. I took the time to make tiny cuts on the plate while focusing on the outline. This meant that when printing all those tiny details showed through really well. I also quite like how the registration of the plates match, but overlap, giving an overall uneasy, dizzy effect that adds to the tone of the piece. 


The flower print was carved around week 3 while I was working from home and I had attempted to print it using water-based ink and a sheet of MDF as a press, this, however, didn't work as well as using the print workshop inks as the water-based ink I own is very thick and clogs up a lot on the paper. The print I did in the workshop worked far better than my attempts at home, but I also decided to collage the design in different positions and with different amounts of ink on the plate.
