Week 8 - Word Collage - 22nd to 26th March

Fear Of  Death - In Your Own Words

During week 8 I asked 4 of my closest friends to write, in their own words, why they either fear, worry, or accept death. The answers remain private of course and the actual notes will not be published anywhere but I did, however, manipulate the notes into a collage which rendered the text illegible.                             

The answers all differed among my friends, some not fearing death and some worrying about the nothingness of it all. 

I have talked to many people while doing this project about their experiences and there's one common answer. "I fear being forgotten"

The aim of this project has always been to approach death with a more healthy attitude. I lost my grandmother last year and while it was very tough, knowing that my gran accepted and welcomed death in her final few days was a relief and comfort for me and my family. To view it as nothing to fear is ultimately what I want to achieve by being a death positive artist. 

As always, with my work, I like to manipulate the images I created to instill a sense of distortion, confusion, and well... Make my audience ask questions.
Here is the finished product

I added the original cards but edited the transparency for privacy purposes as some of these are quite private and personal.
